Generic SQL Connector
With the flexible SQL connection, WiseTime can connect to your system in a way that fits your firm’s needs. Start making use of your time data the way you need it – with full flexibility and minimal implementation cost.

A flexible connection for SQL systems
Project or Matter Management Systems are often as individualised as the businesses using them. However customised they may be, they often share a common property in that the software is database-driven.
WiseTime is built ready to integrate quickly and easily to ANY database-driven systems that use a modern-type SQL database. With our flexible SQL connection, WiseTime can connect to your system in a way that fits your firm’s needs.

The connection is implemented using a two-way approach:
- one for reading the case references or project IDs from your system
- a second for posting the time recorded by WiseTime directly into your database.
By this process, the SQL queries remain 100% under your control whilst directing WiseTime where to read the data from and where to put it.

No requirement to share sensitive databases
This adaptable connection is perfectly suited for high security environments, where access to the production database cannot be granted to a third-party software. WiseTime can simply read from and write to temporary tables that are live-linked to your production data, providing direct communication between the WiseTime connection and avoiding your sensitive production database entirely.

Endless options for exporting to your system
Using SQL’s flexibility as the foundation for this connection, your time data can be transposed to pretty much any format or structure required by your system — the setup is lightweight while the options are near endless.