Increase your law firms profitability
AI driven, automated timesheet app that increases billable hours captured & improves productivity so you can do more with less
Timesaving Superpowers
Expertly automated timekeeping that doesn’t interrupt your workflow

Seamless time capture
You can get rid of your start-stop timer and manual timesheets – WiseTime has you covered. Simply work as normal, and WiseTime will accurately capture your activity without disrupting your flow and without relying on memory.
We relieve you from the monotony and administration of time keeping, so you can focus on the needs of your clients instead.

Automatic case detection
Matter ID's within your automatically generated time logs are detected and tagged to the right case.
Case references sync from your practice management system in real-time. You can ensure your work is categorised correctly and is sent back to the correct matter for billing within your connected system.
Auto-tagging is aided by AI machine learning, so the more you use WiseTime the smarter it becomes.
The Modern Attorney's Toolkit
All the bells and whistles that make your timesheet work for you

Privacy by design
We deliver productivity, not spyware. Your data is 100% private, secure & within your control

Connect to current systems
Connect to your practice management system to sync matters & send time direct to billing

Generate descriptive narratives
Narrate GPT will summarise your activity into a description relevant for the client invoice

Reporting and dashboards
Get a snapshot of the time spent on cases and export PDFs with detailed information of activity.

Team management
Connect your team and facilitate remote or flexible working arrangements.

Individual privacy controls
WiseTime is totally private, with added controls to separate work from play.

What our users think
Schweiger & Partners decreased time spent on incoming emails by 80%
Martin Schweiger
Principal, Schweiger & Partners
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