Increase billable hours

Add automated timekeeping to Actionstep

Autonomous; no start-stop

You never miss a minute. No start-stop clocks or manual data entry. Captures all computer activity - supports all browsers and apps

AI matter detection

Matter IDs from Actionstep are recognised and the correct case file is tagged for you in your day's activities

30-day free trial

You can trial WiseTime for 30 days completely free of charge. No hidden fees or lock-in contracts. Sign up, connect and get started today


Reduce data entry

Activity is recorded for you. Send it to Actionstep seamlessly to reduce data entry and shorten your billing cycle. Improve client collection rates and trust with billing transparency.


Automatic + AI case file detection

WiseTime recognises Actionstep case IDs. Case files are tagged for you in your daily timeline.


Uncompromised user privacy

Your daily timeline is 100% private to you until you choose to share it to Actionstep. No real time view for managers or anyone else. 

Customer stories

Martin Schweiger - Principal

Within the first few days I just recovered an additional billing time that is good for paying the software for 6 months.

We could save 80% on the work time spent on incoming mail. Only WiseTime made it visible. 

Nelson Ocampo - Managing Attorney

I've definitely increased my billable hours and efficiency because I have more time to tend to work than to sit there and think about what it is that I did.

It just gets out of the way and lets me do my thing and deal with my clients and matters.


Joshua Upin - Attorney

Since its implementation, WiseTime has contributed to a nearly 40% increase in billable time capture in my practice.

I recommend the product unequivocally.

Discover the power of AI + automation

Let us show you just how much you can accomplish when you outsource your timekeeping to WiseTime. You'll remove a huge administrative burden, find more time in your day and capture more billable hours. 

Focus on your clients, not on admin.

WiseTime makes billing more efficient. Every minute you work is captured in your private timeline and allocated to the correct case. Attorneys receive detailed, accurate data that allows them to bill clients faster through their existing systems.