Autonomous, AI driven time keeping

30 days free for new sign ups
Want to test it out for yourself? The first 30 days are free so you and your team can see for yourselves how much more time you’ll save!
Autonomous time capture
When connected with Clio, WiseTime automatically assigns activities to the correct Clio case - meaning you can spend more time on cases, and less on timesheets.
Increased recording accuracy
Using WiseTime with Clio ensures that you don’t miss an activity - leading to an increase of billing hours and accuracy of timekeeping across all of your cases and tasks.
No manual activity entry
No task goes unentered - WiseTime automatically captures any activity you work on, so you can send it straight into Clio, taking the time out of doing your timesheets.
What our users think
Our most significant evidence of the success is that we are capturing more time in our day as a result of this software [WiseTime]. We're picking up two-digit percentages in overall revenue, simply as a result of using this software.
Anything that saves us time on these diurnal intensive administrative processes is time that we could not have gotten any other way...
Quinn Ross
Managing Partner and CEO, Ross Firm Professional Corporation
I've definitely increased my billable hours and efficiency because I have more time to tend to work than to sit there and think about what it is that I did.
It just gets out of the way and lets me do my thing and deal with my clients and matters.
Nelson Ocampo
Managing Attorney, Ocampo PLLC

Joshua increases his billable time by 40%.
Joshua Upin
Attorney, United States
Schweiger & Partners decreased time spent on incoming emails by 80%